How to create a contact form

Contact forms made easy

A contact form is an essential and crucial tool on any website, especially when dealing with products, services, and customers in general. Learn how to create a contact form, easily, without too much coding using our contact center software as the backend tool.

Create the form

If you don't know how to create a form, or you simply don't want to bother creating everything from the ground up, feel free to download, tweak, and use this one. The form is already integrated with ContactJS, just modify the parameters following the step 2 instructions!

On your website, create a form element with ID fh-contactjs, and add the following fields:

Description Field ID  
User's first name first-name Optional
User's last name last-name Optional
The conversation's subject subject Optional
User's email email Required
The message to be sent message Required

If you want, you can reduce the form by eliminating any optional field.

To show each field validation error, simply add a div element with the ID of the field followed by "field-error" suffix. For example:

<div id="first-name-field-error"></div>

Add the ContactJS library

With the form in place, it's time to add the ContactJs library — a small tool we have created that converts forms submissions into Full Help conversations that you can manage and reply directly from your help desk.

<script src="[email protected]/dist/FullHelp.ContactJs.min.js"></script>
  (function () {
    var contactjs = new FullHelp.ContactJs({
      account: 1,
      host: '',
      source: 'Form @ ' +

Copy the code and paste it on your website, right before the </body> or </head> closing tags. Then, update the account and host parameters with your help desk corresponding values.

To get the id of your account, simply go to your help desk instance, click over your username (top-right corner), then click on Account.

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