Private knowledgebase site

Limit access to a knowledge base site so only your support agents have access to it

Available on Full Help v0.3 and newer.

Knowledgebase sites can be either public or private:

  • Public: available publicly to any user, either guest or already authenticated. If you want your customers to have access to help content, this is the option you have to use.
  • Private: available to logged-in support agents in your account and not your customers. Non-logged in users will be redirected to a login page. Use this if you want to restrict your knowledge base site to your support agents only.

Site visibility applies to both web browser users and API users.

How to change a site's visibility

To change site visibility, in your Full Help agent dashboard go to Sites > [clic on a site] > Settings, and change the option at the bottom of the setting's form, then click on Save.

Common questions

I'm already logged in on the agent's dashboard - why do I need to log in again?

Full Help uses browser cookies to store your sessions. Cookies cannot be shared between multiple domains, only subdomains. In this case, the agent area and your private knowledge base site are using two different domains.

If your private knowledge base site is using a subdomain (not a custom domain), you can enable cookie sharing by adding to the .env file.

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