Themekit — theme development tool kit for designers and developers

Learn about Themekit and how to use it to create, develop, and deploy Full Help themes

Themekit is Full Help's theme development tool kit aimed at developers and theme designers. Themekit provides the tools needed for developers and theme designers to create, develop, and deploy themes.

What can you do with Themekit?

  1. Create new themes quickly
  2. Download files of an existing theme
  3. Sync local changes with remote themes
  4. Deploy local changes to a remote theme
  5. Generating preview URL
Themekit requires Full Help v0.15.0 or newer.


First, download and install Node.js 4.0.x or later and NPM.


sudo npm install -g themekit


npm install -g themekit

The suggested theme directory structure

Path Description

This would be the root directory of the theme under development. Here you can place files like Themekit's .env file, webpack.config.js, gulpfile.js, tsconfig.json, .gitignore, etc.

This directory is where you would run git init.

src/ Use this directory for files or assets that are not included in the final deployed theme. For example, you can use this directory for Sass and JavaScript file that you compile using Webpack, Gulp, etc.
theme/ Use this directory as the final or compiled theme. Compiled CSS and JavaScript are located here. This is the directory that you would use with Themekit when syncing, deploying, or downloading theme files from the remote server.

For a complete example of this directory structure, take a look at our help desk's default theme, Modern.

The environment file

The environment file is used to configure Themekit. Using your favorite text editor, create a file named .env with the following content:


About the environment variables and how to know the value of each:

  1. SITE_ID: The ID of the site that owns the theme. Themekit will use this site when retrieving existing themes, syncing local changes with a remote theme, or when deploying a theme. You can get the ID of a site by looking at the Site's Dashboard URL.
  2. THEME_ID: The ID of an existing theme you will be working with. To get the ID of a theme, navigate to the Themes section in the Site's Dashboard by clicking Settings, then Themes.
  3. HELPDESK_URL: This is the URL you use to access your help desk. HTTPS is highly recommended.
  4. API_KEY: This is the OAuth API Key used for Authorization. To generate an API Key, in your help desk dashboard click over your username in the top-right corner, then click Developer settings. Click on Create token, in the Name field enter Themekit, then click on Create Token.
Important: Do not add the .env file to version control.


To see a list of commands:


For help with an individual command:

themekit help <command>
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