Use Pusher to receive real-time updates and notifications effortlessly.
Pusher integration offers a simple and quick way of realtime communication between the browser and the server.
To use Pusher, simply add the following to your .env
PUSHER_APP_ID=replace with your Pusher's app id
PUSHER_APP_KEY=replace with your Pusher's app key
PUSHER_APP_SECRET=replace with your Pusher's app secret
PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=replace with your PUsher's app cluster
and set it to pusher
To use Pusher on the live chat, use the following widget configuration:
FullHelp('init', {
chat: {
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: "replace with your Pusher's app key",
cluster: "replace with your Pusher's app cluster"
If you already have your widget configured, simply update it and add the above two options. Check this guide for more widget configuration options and instructions on how to add the widget to your website.
Feel free to contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for in our help center. We will be answering you shortly!
Feel free to contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for in our help center. We will be answering you shortly!
Contact us