Configure Postmark for inbound emails

Use Postmark to route and receive emails in your help desk instance.

See an overview of how inbound emails works, and the supported email service providers here.

This is how the Postmark Inbound integration works:

  1. Your customer sends a message to [email protected]
  2. Your email client forwards the incoming email from [email protected] to [email protected] (your Full Help's mailbox internal address).
  3. Postmark Inbound Webhook sends a post request to
  4. Your help desk instance handles the Postmark webhook and routes the incoming message to the appropriate conversation, on the appropriate mailbox.
By default, Full Help will use your current help desk domain as your Postmark inbound domain. For example, if your help desk is accessible on, your Postmark inbound domain will be If you want to use a different domain as your Postmark domain (e.g.,, define it in the .env file:

Configure Postmark for inbound emails

  1. On your Postmark account, go to Servers, then "Create server".
    1. Enter a name for your server
  2. Click on the "Settings" tab, then on "Inbound",
    1. On "Webhook", enter the Postmark webhook endpoint:, then click on "Save changes"
    2. On "Inbound domain forwarding", enter the domain you which to use for your Postmark domain name, for example, Click on "Save changes".

Remember to replace with your help desk's domain name.

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