Knowledge base branding

Ways to style and customize your knowledge base sites

There are 2 main ways to style and customize knowledge base sites:

  1. Injecting CSS and JavaScript code via Content for HEAD on the setting page
  2. Customizing the current default theme

Choosing the correct approach will depend on how complex your branding changes are.

Injecting CSS and JavaScript code

This is the easiest and simplest way to brand your knowledge base site. You can inject any CSS and JavaScript code (or any other code) by using the Content for HEAD field on the site's settings page. Another advantage is that whenever an update is released, you will not need to manually adjust your theme as it will be automatically applied for official themes.

Use this approach when doing minor to moderate style adjustments, like color and font changes, inserting Google Analytics or other JS libraries, etc. You can also use this approach to create new menu options by using plain JavaScript.


Customizing the default theme

This approach allows you to completely customize Full Help's default knowledge base theme. For example, you could adjust the page layout and structure, add new sections, change the icons, etc.

To customize the default theme, please follow these instructions.

Please note that using this approach, any update release will not be automatically applied to your theme.


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