Postmark Inbound: not receiving emails

See debugging information and possible solutions for emails not being delivered using Postmark Inbound


You have configured Postmark Inbound and emails sent to your help desk mailboxes are not appearing on the Conversations section.

Causes and solutions

Wrong Postmark Inbound Webhook URI

Make sure that you have properly configured the Postmark Inbound Webhook URI in your Postmark account. Use the "Check" button to the right of the URI input to test the endpoint. Learn more about configuring Postmark here: Configure Postmark for inbound emails

The queue is not running

Postmark Inbound emails are queued for several reasons like preventing duplicated emails, preventing errors during multiple inbound emails in a short period of time, faster Postmark webhook response, and better scalability.

Head over to Queue system is not running to learn how you can check the queue status and the possible solutions.

Something else

Check the application log files located at storage/logs; there you will be able to see whether there's an error during inbound email processing that is preventing inbound emails from appearing in the Conversations section.

Feel free to contact us should you need assistance determining the cause and/or applying a fix.



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