Learn how to receive emails using a POP or IMAP connection.
Full Help allows you to import emails from an existing email mailbox by using a POP or IMAP connection. To see a list of other supported inbound email methods, check the Receiving emails guide.
Make sure you are using the latest version of Full Help, as there are frequent fixes and enhancements for POP and IMAP connections. For this documentation we assume that you are using the latest Full Help version. If for some reason you cannot upgrade to the newest release, and you have issues using POP or IMAP, feel free to contact us so we can assist you.
This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, add the following environment variable to the .env file located in the application's root directory:
Once the environment variable is added, refresh the application's config cache by executing the following command from the application's root directory:
php artisan config:cache
Remember to refresh the help desk dashboard if you have already it open in your web browser.
Please configure the application's cronjob so the system can fetch emails on a regular interval.
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Feel free to contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for in our help center. We will be answering you shortly!
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